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AAST Selected as Finalist for Palmetto's Finest Award!
Open House at AAST!
AAST Aerial Photo
Welcome to AAST!

   A Cognia STEM certified school!

Congratulations, Ms. Rielly!

Congratulations, Ms. Jodi Rielly, AAST's Teacher of the Year!

Clean Energy and Environmental Engineering Major

Clean Energy students harvesting their garden!

Hands-On Experiences
Core Engineering and Robotics
Work Based Learning Experiences

At AAST, you will have industry standard, work based learning experiences!

Computer Science Students
Computer Science Major

In the Computer Science major, students learn things like programming TI-84 rovers!

Anatomy and Physiology Pickle Dissection

Advanced Anatomy and Physiology students learning the human body systems through pickle dissection.

News & Announcements

Realize the Possibilities

Aluminum Assault Team 1287

For more than twenty years, AAST's robotics team, Aluminum Assault, has been competing on a national level!

The Game of Life
Trunk or Treat
Teddy Bear Clinic

Upcoming Events