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Science National Honor Society



Science National Honor Society meets the 2nd Thursday of each month after school in Room 422.

A member must have and maintain a 3.0 unweighted grade point average.

A member must be enrolled in an upper level honors science class.

A member must complete two honors science classes prior to the eleventh grade year.

A member must maintain a minimum of a B+ cumulative (semester) average (3.75/4.00, 88 grade) for each honors and college prep science course and an 85 average grade for an Advanced Placement science course.

A member must maintain behavior that is acceptable to the guidelines as outlined by the school’s code of conduct in the student handbook of AAST.

All members must accrue 10 service hours per year. All service hours must be within the activities approved by the chapter advisor(s) and must be signed off by a member of the science department staff at AAST.

Dues are $15 each year. Senior year dues include the cost of the honor cord.